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2018 Meet the Candidates

Bub Poplin
Darlyne Woodward ( Incumbent )

As president of WSRHA since 2015, the board and I have taken a conservative approach to our finances. In 2015 (show schedules and showbills set in 2014) we had a balance in the bank of $36,000 and lost $10,000 at the end of that year.


Currently we have a bank balance of almost $60,000 and have actually shown a profit each year. 

One of the issues we need to deal with is our location and the fact that there are now so many shows in the Denver area as well as the shows in Utah, making it more difficult to attract participants. Those in Denver prefer not to drive over the passes when they have other options available. (Nebraska now has shows to compete with our dates). 


I am committed to fiscal responsibility at the same time. Trying to satisfy the members interests. It is always a thought to have derbies and futurities but they have not been self funding nor even break even in the past. This is really due again to the number of shows available at our location. I would love to see these aged events in the future if we could get sponsors or funding for them.


Keeping the club solvent so that we can continue to have shows is the goal while trying to add money and classes to meet the needs of all of the members.


I am committed to making our shows fun and interesting for all levels of riders while keeping the shows at the break even or slightly profitable level. 

Vice President
Michelle Chapman ( Incumbent )
Cheri Maker ( Incumbent )
Janet Pearcey ( Incumbent )

I have been on the board since January 2017 and acting treasurer since July 2017. I am excited about the future of WSRHA and  believe we can continue to host shows that appeal to the vast majority of our members while remaining fiscally responsible. I am excited for the upcoming year and look forward to helping in whatever manner needed. 


Board of Directors
Martha Grimes

I have been a member of WSRHA for about 14 years and have served on the board before. I would like to work towards attracting more of our fellow reiners back from the front range to some of our shows and to increase interest and backing from more sponsors. The Western Slope is a great place to come and show. Good facilities, no traffic, good places to stay, reasonable expenses etc I think it is very possible to increase numbers at our shows.

Desiree Hardin

I began reining in 2016 and am so excited about this awesome sport! I think our Western Slope affiliate is a great club and I would like the opportunity to help grow our general membership, plan fun horse show events and build a strong future for our WSRHA affiliate. I have current board experience with local governmental districts and have specialized in grant writing.  
Thank you, 
Desiree Hardin

Veronika Miller


I have had horses most of my life and have shown and ridden reining horses since Western Slope Reining Horse Association was created back in the day with Carol and Caesar Dotta and Mike Deer. The Dottas had a fairly large dirt area and we would hold our shows there. They donated the money to start the association at that time.


Now that my kids are grown and away at school, I am able to spend more time supporting organizations that I enjoy. I have been on school boards and various other administrative committees. This past year I helped the WSRHA by putting together the silent auction and was able to raise about $2500 for us.


At this time I would ask for your vote in providing me the opportunity to serve the WSRHA by being on the board of directors.

Amy Pates ( Incumbent )

I introduced my daughter to horses and the sport of reining when we first moved to the Western Slope in 2001.  My daughter has grown up as a member of the WSRHA and we have enjoyed being a part of this horse community.


I am a great supporter of this association and the sport of reining for both youth and adults. My past responsibilities have been to develop the website and handle social media. We now have a great website manager and If elected to this board I can assist with social media and marketing for the association as well as be an unbiased sounding board for the future development of the association for youth and adults.

Hilary Porterfield ( Incumbent ) 
Dawn Serafin ( Incumbent )

Hello my name is Dawn Serafin, I live in Clark Colorado.


I have been a member of the WSRHA for 4 or 5 years now. I rode hunter jumper as a child and into my early 20's and did not ride for 17 years before moving to Colorado and living in a caretaker home on a ranch where I fell right back in love with horses and learned about reining. I am very passionate about our club and hope that we can keep it going for years to come. I am so passionate about reining that I drive 3 hours each way every other weekend to ride my horse. 

Lori Stephenson
Leigh Taylor ( Incumbent )

My name is Leigh Taylor. I am an attorney, have been reining since 2010; and am currently on the Board of Directors of WSRHA. I was appointed by the Board after two of the past elected Board of Directors resigned shortly after they were elected.  Having had the experience of being a Board member, I now have a new awareness of how difficult it is to meet all the interests of the Association members, and balance those interests with fiscal soundness and responsibility.  I have new respect for how much time is devoted by the Officers and Board members to achieve the same.  For a number of years, prior to being on the Board, I was aware the Association was in very shaky financial shape, and in fact, close to disbanding.  Due to some tough decisions, and innovative thinking by the current Board and Officers over the past 2-3 years, the Association now has money in the bank, and makes a modest profit from the shows.  I would like to see this positive trend continue for the Association.  With financial stability, increased membership, and increased sponsors, there can be a planned move in the coming years to put on shows that may include futurities, derby, and aged events.  Even though it is next to impossible to please everyone, I believe, through open and effective communication with all members that good resolutions can be reached.  It is important that members feel  they are heard, and that their concerns are seriously addressed.  I am committed to being available and  listening to the members, and am further committed to maintaining the fiscal stability of the Association.  Most members take reining quite seriously, and this local club can fulfill the serious reiner's goals, as well as providing fun, companionship, and a economic means to learn the art of reining.  I think it is important for the Board, particularly, to lead by example, and support the club classes, which are a major source of money for the Association.  I also think it has been useful for the Association to have free legal advice available. I would welcome the opportunity to remain on the Board.

Gary Vickrey

My name is Gary Vickrey and I am running for a position on the Western Slope Reining Horse Association’s board of directors.


I previously served as a member of the wsrha board for four years and have a good working knowledge of what it takes for our association to be successful. During my previous tenure on the board, I served in several capacities including show committee member, by-laws chairman, and website administrator, and I also researched several associations’ programs regarding their Green As Grass riders. Our present GAG system is a result of that effort. Presently I am helping maintain the wsrha facebook page.


If elected to the board, I would work to make sure board decisions are made in the best interest of all members. To do this I would routinely seek members’ opinions on topics of concern. As a member, YOU should have a voice. I would also work to insure that our budget reflects the wishes of the majority and not just the wishes a few. 


There has been considerable discussion the last few years regarding aged-event classes. I will go on record as supporting futurity, derby, and maturity classes but only if the wsrha’s budget will allow it. These classes should support themselves and not cost the club money just for the sake of having a futurity, derby, or maturity.

Sandy Vickrey ( Incumbent )

I came to Cedaredge, CO in 1996 from Laramie, WY. My employment in both WY and CO has been as high school math, art and economics teacher. I’ve had horses since I was a kid, doing mostly ranch riding. In the late 90’s I became very involved with Natural Horsemanship, but when I became friends with Jack Brainard, I got hooked on reining. My showing with WSRHA began in 2006, and I have participated with the club every year since then. Due to a very serious horse accident in 2013 (and five back surgeries), I’ve had to adapt to stay with the sport. It is worth the pain and struggle!


In the past, I served on the WSRHA board for several years, one year as treasurer. During that tenure, our club had more members and held larger and more frequent shows. Many things, including the economy, have necessitated revision of what WSRHA can afford. My main interest now is seeing classes offered that support all levels of riders, giving everyone, both Non-Pro and Open riders, an opportunity to improve their skills and have fun. I sense that we are all frustrated with the top-down atmosphere that the NRHA has created and would like to see that changed. Reining is not only a lot of fun and a huge challenge, but it is also a major commitment of time, energy and dollars. If the club is to thrive and survive financially, it has to be worth it for our members and participants. 


Reining on Colorado's Western Slope

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