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Year End Qualifying Shows


It is the goal of the Western Slope Reining Horse Association (“WSRHA”) to promote reining at every level. The Club Championship year-end series awards our members for points earned in each of the following WSRHA Club Classes:


Rookie I, II, Prime Time Rookie, Rookie Professional
NonPro, Intermediate Non Pro, Limited Non Pro, Prime Time NonPro, Masters NonPro
Novice Horse NP I, II, Novice Horse Open I, II
Open, Limited Open, Intermediate Open
Short Stirup 10 & under, Youth 13 & under, Youth 14-18, Youth Rookie

All exhibitors and owners must be current members of the Western Slope Reining Horse Association, in good standing for the current year and have completed 2 hours of volunteer service in order to qualify for year-end awards. NRHA Competition License will be used to show proof of ownership. If the horse does not have an NRHA Competition License, breed registration papers will be used. NRHA membership is NOT REQUIRED in order to be eligible for the WSRHA Club Class Championship(s). WSRHA membership IS REQUIRED in order to be eligible for Year-End Awards.


Point System:

  1. Points are awarded in each class based on the NRHA Youth Point Scale as outlined in the current NRHA Rulebook.

  2. Year-end awards are calculated using the total points earned in all of the WSRHA shows entered in the current year.

  3. In the case of class ties at each show, the points awarded for those places are combined and divided by the number

    of entries tied. Decimal points are calculated to the nearest two places.

  4. A score of 0 (Zero) or a No Score will NOT be awarded points for that class but will be considered as competing in

    that class at that show.


Tiebreaker Rules:

  1. These tiebreaker rules are used to determine all Year End and Reserve Championships.

  2. First tiebreaker: The entry with the most class wins for that class award.

  3. Second tiebreaker: The entry with the highest class scores for that class award.

  4. Final tiebreaker: A flip of the coin by the WSRHA Board of Directors.


Championship Awards Rules: There will be NO exceptions to these rules.

  1. NRHA rules will apply to all riders and horses for the purpose of eligibility to enter each class, with the exception that Youth may compete on a horse not owned by them or their immediate family. It will be the obligation of each member to insure his or her eligibility and their horse’s eligibility to enter each class. Eligibility of riders and/or horses is determined based on their records accumulated prior to January 1st of the current year.

  2. Both riders and recorded owners must be members in good standing with WSRHA prior to entering the classes for points to count. If a horse is owned by an “entity”, e.g., an LLC, partnership, corporation, syndication, etc., the entity must have a WSRHA membership in order for the horse to qualify for any year-end awards. Individuals of that entity are not required to have individual memberships, unless that individual competes on the “entity” owned horse and wishes to have the points earned count toward the year-end standings.

  3. In order to be eligible for WSRHA Year End Awards, same horse/same rider must compete in two of the WSRHA Club Championship shows in that particular class. Points from all shows are totaled to determine the winners. A substitution of either the horse or the rider is not allowed under any circumstances.

  4. The WSRHA Board of Directors, utilizing these Rules and any other information from the NRHA and other equine organizations will settle complaints regarding class/award eligibility. All decisions by the WSRHA BOD are final. 





The following 4 Colorado shows will be used by WSRHA as Affiliate Qualifying events:

WSRHA Spring Spectacular

RMRHA Columbine Classic

WSRHA Colombine Ford Summer Classic

RMRHA Summer Slide


For more information on NRHA Affiliate Qualifying rules please go to

NRHA Affiliate Rules

Reining on Colorado's Western Slope

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